Cultivating Community and Transformation
"I cannot thank you enough for your work. My worldview has changed tremendously, contributed in a significant part by the information on your websites and newsletters. You ought to have millions of subscribers." ~~ Charlotte W.
Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service (PEERS) is committed to cultivating community and transformation through inspiration and education. We are also deeply dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world.
Incorporated in 2006 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, PEERS embraces a bold vision of building a brighter future by inspiring a sense of global community based on love and cooperation, and by educating the public to little-known forces underlying the political and economic structures that shape our world.
The greatest part of our work involves the ongoing development of a network of popular websites and highly praised online courses dedicated to these goals. We are also exploring various ways to use the ever-evolving connective capabilities of the Internet to facilitate community development and direct, inspired action leading to personal and global transformation. And it's all free of charge!
"I just want you to know how much PEERS means to me. The Gathering Spot is my main lifeline to like-minded people. I'm sure your websites have touched many, many lives. People are waking up to the truth. It's exciting!" ~~ Noa in France
Through our current websites, email lists, and community forums, PEERS provides important but often overlooked news from reliable sources, as well as inspirational stories, exercises, and community-building ideas designed to promote social harmony and inspire people to join in transforming our world into a better place for all members of our human family. Our dynamic online courses bring together the best of the Internet to inspire and empower all interested.
The PEERS websites have collectively received over 32 million visits from almost every country in the world, (including even Antarctica and the Vatican!), while our two email lists now have nearly 15,000 subscribers from more than 160 countries. Come join us in transforming our world!
"The information and inspiration on the PEERS websites have been of unsurpassed value in my professional work and for me personally. covers some of the darkest and most disturbing domains of human skullduggery, yet never fails to see the larger picture and is able to help us see that there is much to be hopeful for. These sites are wonderful resources for any spiritual seeker and indeed for anyone who hungers for the latest information about the world." ~~ Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Author of Lessons from the Light
PEERS Websites
Our inspiring Moment of Love website at is a rich reminder that every person in the world has a heart, and that every heart has a place within that wants only to love and be loved. This simple, yet profound website is designed to touch the hearts of people from all walks of life, and from all corners of the world, inviting them to recognize that in the greater scheme of things, we are all members of one beautiful family.
The Web of Love website at invites visitors to join in strengthening the energetic web of love that interconnects the hearts of all people on our beautiful planet. Several simple exercises give empowering ideas on deepening our connection with ourselves and with all around us. Both the Moment of Love and Web of Love websites have information on how to form a local Circle of Love for any people or groups interested in spreading inspiration and transformation.
The most visited PEERS website, at, specializes in revealing critical information about important cover-ups of which few are aware. Using reliable, verifiable sources such as key news articles from the major media and revealing government documents, this unique educational website exposes hidden forces and agendas which too often lead to increased conflict, war, and injustice in our world. This highly praised website is also a call for us to work together to stop disempowering behavior and promote love and respect for all.
"No single website has had a bigger impact on my personal transformation than the site, because while it has a plethora of information which once frightened and angered me, it also showed me a way to alleviate my fear through personal service to others. Thank you for your inspiration to go beyond my fear and accept what is, especially when I don't like it." ~~ Laila S.
The News Articles website at invites readers to explore some of the most highly revealing news articles ever published. Over the years, PEERS has made one-paragraph summaries of over 10,000 major media news articles that should have gotten much more publicity. Using this huge database, the articles are categorized into over 70 topics, so that readers can explore the topics of most interest to them. It's also a great tool for researchers.
The Divine Mystery website at offers the inspired musings of PEERS founder Fred Burks. The essays here ponder the deeper mysteries of life and existence with the intention of finding ever more ways to increase the love and interconnectedness between us all.
The Global Community for All website at provides inspiring ideas for community building based on the principle that we all benefit both when we celebrate and learn from our diversity, and when we unite in supporting our common intention of what's best for all people as we invite ever-greater love, healing, and empowerment into our lives. This website provides an abundance of empowering ideas on how to start and grow local gatherings which bring people together in supporting each other to transform our lives and world.
"PEERS has allowed me to make a huge shift in my spiritual beliefs and in my critical thinking. I have been freed from religious guilt and can now safely and joyfully explore my spirituality. But the biggest shift is the amount of love I now let into my life. I have learned that this life and the next are all about love. Today, I am a much better person because of PEERS. My husband and I grow our community by doing volunteer work in the US, South Africa and Cambodia. We spend more time with neighbors. And we try to remember to love especially those who are hard to love." ~~ Sarah T.
PEERS Online Courses
PEERS also features several online courses bringing together the best of the Internet. These dynamic courses present heart and mind expanding materials designed to inspire personal growth and to expand awareness of all that is happening in our lives and our world. Those who have completed one of the courses also come together in a community networking portal where they share inspiration and take action to build a brighter future together.
For those who want to focus mostly on love and light, we have the Inspiration Course, while the Hidden Knowledge Course shines light on the shadows or major cover-ups in our world. Combining both of these, the engaging Insight Course masterfully weaves together a rich variety of topics covering both inspiration and the more challenging aspects of life. The profound Transformation Course is similar to the Insight Course, yet was designed for the spiritual journeyer. Material is framed in a spiritual context which can be appreciated by those of all faiths.
"Each lesson in the course has had the effect of shaking up my negative beliefs and supplying an alternative, love-based belief system. I hope to progress through the course and attain deeper and deeper clarity that will allow me to be a more effective human. I have never seen a greater, better organized, collection of positive material." ~~ Bob B. on the Transformation Course
"It's amazing how the information from this course is exactly what I needed! It's so simple and so freeing! The power of breathing sacred love and connecting with others, heart to heart, has been so impacting! I didn't know how sad I really was. My heart and mind have completely changed. Peace and acceptance are becoming my daily normal. Now my first instinct when problems, anger, or worries arise is to focus my thoughts on love. The ability to love and feel compassion for myself and others is truly the most powerful force I've ever felt! This mighty force of Light and PURE LOVE is setting me free in ways I had never imagined!" ~~ Bonnie P. on the Insight Course
"Wow! I have learned more here than I did my whole school career. I completely changed my life for the better. I am now full of love and happiness. I smile all the time and think of ways to better Earth. Thank you!" ~~ Eric on the Inspiration Course
Collectively, these enlightening courses are presented and described on one attractive website in order to help people decide which most resonates for them. Visit to take a look. Almost everyone who has completed the journey through one of these empowering courses has shared deep appreciation and gratitude for how their lives have changed for the better as a result of the dynamic and inspiring material provided.
A multi-faceted community networking portal provides our course graduates with a forum to directly connect, support, and interact with each other in meaningful ways. Called the "Gathering Spot," this dynamic portal allows members from around the world to share inspiration and fascinating information on a wide variety of topics. A beautifully layered design also makes it easy for participants for find who or what they are looking for.
All Free of Charge
PEERS provides all information and services available on our websites, email lists, courses, and community networking portal free of charge. We depend almost entirely on personal donations for our income. We start with the understanding that every one of us makes a difference. By reminding people of this, and inspiring them to take action in their personal lives and in the greater society, PEERS is making a big difference in building a more just, cooperative world.
The large number of supportive and grateful emails we receive demonstrate that our efforts are greatly appreciated by an ever-growing number of the people. Your generous donations allow us not only to survive, but to thrive.
Websites and online courses currently managed by PEERS - Every person in the world has a heart - Strengthening the web of love that interconnects us all - Revealing major cover-ups and working together for a brighter future - Collection of under-reported major media news articles - Mystical musings of a spiritual explorer - Building a global community for all - Free online courses inspire you to greatness - The Inspiration Course: Opening to more love and deeper connection - Hidden Knowledge Course: Illuminating shadow aspects of our world - The Insight Course: The best of the Internet all in one free course - Transformation Team: Building bridges to expanded consciousness - Dynamic community networking portal for course graduates
How You Can Help
If you resonate with our bold vision for the future, we invite you to actively support PEERS, whether in the form of volunteering time or making a financial contribution. At this time we have only a small, largely volunteer staff with very limited time and resources. Your contributions, however large or small, can greatly help to support this tremendously important work and to make a difference in our world.
Thanks to our nonprofit status, all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. To support PEERS by check, money order, or credit card, please donate here. Automatic monthly contributions are particularly appreciated as they enable us to have more certainty in our long-range planning.
To volunteer in any capacity or to find out more about us and our work, please contact us. We are most grateful for your help and support of this important work, whatever form it might take. You can further help by contacting us with the names of key people or organizations which might be inspired to support our work. We are very interested in building mutually empowering relationships with all who are deeply committed to the work of global transformation. We also welcome ideas or suggestions you might have on any aspect of our work.
"In this last school year among my 12th grade students doing research of their choice to write and present a current event of their interest, became their favorite site. I overheard on several occasions students telling others that they should check out as it helped their research." ~~ Carl H.
Empowering global transformation is the great challenge of our time as we move forward in this new millennium. We are excited to join with you and many other individuals and organizations in meeting this challenge, as we spread ever more love and inspiration both in our personal lives and in our world.
We know well that the more people who work together to educate the public on the forces that shape our world and to inspire and empower all of us to be the best we can be, the better chance we have of building a brighter future for all. Thank you for joining in creating a more loving, supportive way of life for ourselves, our children, and for future generations.
"The PEERS websites are quite amazing. I appreciate the hard work you're doing while still promoting a message of peace and love. I've been aware of the major coverups through other websites and often found the vitriolic language increases the stress I feel concerning the information I'm reading. I am a UK pensioner with a very modest income. I am very selective about donating to any cause, but I was instantly impressed and drawn to donate to yours." ~~ Anne G. in the UK
The PEERS empowerment network
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"