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Public Education & Empowerment Resource Service

You and your team are very brave, shining the light on some very dark places in this world. If only everyone knew......and that is what you are doing, you're shining your light on the darkness so that we may all see the truth. I've shared your video with friends and family and I hope they will share it too. Videos like yours are the ones that should be going viral! Thank you for the great work you and your team are doing; you are a making a difference in the world. — Ed Cooper on our latest video, “Transforming the War Machine, One Human Story at a Time

PEERS (Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service) was officially incorporated in January of 2006 as a nonprofit umbrella organization for the 13 websites focused on education and transformation now under its management. In keeping with the desire to create a new paradigm for our world, everything offered by PEERS is free of charge. We are able to survive and even thrive thanks to the many generous donations of our supporters and volunteers.

As of the end of 2024, PEERS has provided inspiration and education to many millions of caring people around the globe for 18 years. Over this time, we are thrilled to have received a cumulative total of over 34 million visits to our websites. PEERS continues to touch countless people's hearts and make a difference in our world in a most meaningful way.

Thank you for highlighting both the often overlooked "undercurrent" news and the much-needed sources of positive and encouraging people and for providing guidance in this chaotic world. — Patricia Casazza of the Jersey Girls, the group of women pushing for deeper inquiry into the 9/11 attacks

By The Numbers

This year, we deepened our impact and reached new audiences who are ready to move beyond partisan polarization and fear. Our work here is humble and a slow-building process. Yet no matter how many people we touch, small or large, I am in deep faith that what we are doing is contributing to the transformation of our world.

  • 695 YouTube subscribers with our channel having 39 videos and 15,600 total views
  • 202 Substack readers subscribed to our original investigations and articles
  • 217 X followers
  • 112 Instagram followers
  • 1.5k Facebook followers
  • 13,058 subscribers on our WTK email list
  • 2,264 subscribers on our PEERS Inspiration List

What We Created This Year

This year, we focused on creating new content and building our presence online. At the start of 2024, I worked with our news editor Mark Bailey and our web developer to finalize the whole redesign of the website, including a sleek new navigation bar and hamburger menu. This made it significantly easier for visitors to explore our diverse range of offerings. Our focus remains on addressing actual issues and topics that matter to everyone, rather than perpetuating partisan polarization and deepening echo chambers.

Our database stands as one of the most comprehensive collections of conspiracy and corruption news, featuring over 13,000+ news article summaries from reliable and credible media sources and many categories for in-depth exploration. We also have over 3,000 news article summaries and 18 subcategories focused on inspirational news and solutions. Our archive has been used by journalists, educators, serious researchers, and everyday truth seekers since our founding.

Recently, Mark made a public version of our comprehensive database and even spent his own time to create a WTK Archive Vector Search app from scratch. You type what you want to know into the search app, and it provides a list of WTK news summaries from our comprehensive archive based on your prompt. We are so grateful for Mark's contributions of 10 years to the PEERS websites!

This year, we created more news categories to continue educating people on the darker forces shaping society:

In our video series, we covered a wide range of fascinating topics from healing the war machine, transgender medicine for children, black budget tech and UFOs, my video vlog on the world's largest UFO conference, and evidence that COVID resulted from the most costly and devastating lab leak in the history of science. We also launched our newsletter recap series, where we provide brief shorts of our weekly newsletter, summarizing important news articles buried by the mainstream.

Here's what our Youtube viewers are saying about our work:

“Why the [ PEERS Youtube Channel] hasn't exploded yet is beyond me.” — @oO-_-_-_-Oo

“I wish this channel had more views.” — @BuddhistTushar

What would real media coverage look like? It would look like this. Well done! Thank you for finding the truth on both sides of this issue, and calling us to come together across our differences.. As someone who has seen first-hand the incredible US-funded violence in Latin America, and as someone whose community has been directly affected by sex trafficking, I am soooo grateful. — @keelymeagan337

Thank you for this wonderful overview recounting how the military has, and continues to use technology in war, coups, drone attacks etc.causing enormous suffering around the world. Though grim, you kindly conclude with a bit of inspiration. My heart so yearns for the time when war, dominance, and coercion cease and we humans can live in peace with one another and the planet. Thank you, PEERS for your role in helping to bring this about. — @whatis5G

I love your work!! So glad to see this new format -video -and the announcer is terrific! — @BarbraGraber-ub2zr

It's a pity this precise summary does not get much wider coverage. The traditional means are hiding many truths for interest reasons. I think this is criminal behavior, and Lincoln would have done the same. Congratulations on your hard, continuous, accurate work. — @jaimesilvano3587

In our Substack series, we published many original investigations, Epstein's sex ring and high-level blackmail operations, challenging the narratives of far-right extremism, uncovering the dark truths behind the US war on drugs, the corporate cartels and captured government agencies behind America's chronic illness crisis, how both political parties harm democracy and the elections process, a complete investigation into the real story behind the MLK assassination, and the rise of COVID vaccine injuries and lawsuits.

Here's what our Substack readers are saying about our work:

"I too do not trust the mainstream news outlets. I too believe that there are hidden forces that shape the world events. Thank you for helping me see through the fog of information." — [email protected]

"I've supported WantToKnow for many years, having "met" Fred via email soon after 9/11. It's an incredibly valuable wake-up resource for all of us. Your 10-minute Welcome to WantToKnow video is one of the most powerful, compact, and comprehensive sketches of what we're facing in our world today, that I've ever seen. Please keep at it, and bless you. Sanity and love will win; it's our destiny." — Robert Brown

"I support your work because I think there is power in knowing the truth behind events we hear about on mainstream meda. I appreciate your investigative journalism and it's a site I trust." — Anonymous

"Keep up the great work, you're doing great!" — Don


Part of what makes our work at PEERS so unique is our commitment to educating on the darkness so that we may co-create more of the greater good—and what helps bring about a more informed, collaborative, free, and healthy society. Every month this year, we sent out newsletters focused on the best of humanity and what's possible.

We put out new inspirational content on healing the polarization poisoning our conversations, opening up to the fascinating wisdom and insights of near-death experiences and the nature of reality, inspiring remedies and solutions to the chronic illness crisis ravaging our communities, powerful stories of forgiveness and healing in the face of war and atrocities, and the power of the commons and sharing economies.

We created 18 subcategories within our newly updated Inspiration Center:

  • Healing Social Division and Polarization
  • Healing Our Bodies
  • Healing the Earth
  • Healing the War Machine
  • Reimagining the Economy
  • Reimagining Education
  • Repairing the Criminal Justice System
  • Ending Human Trafficking
  • Technology for Good
  • Power of Art
  • Nature of Reality and Consciousness
  • Psychedelic Medicine
  • Near-Death Experiences
  • Overcoming Odds: Human Interest Stories
  • Amazing Seniors
  • Incredible People with Disabilities
  • Animal Wonders

PEERS Financial Details

This past year has presented financial challenges for PEERS. A substantial and generous donation from a long-time supporter in 2022 enabled PEERS Director Amber Yang to transition to a full-time role with an annual salary of $60,000. However, this also significantly increased our overall expenditures, including compensation for paid projects involving Mark and our web developer. In October, our talented part-time web developer stepped down to pursue a full-time position elsewhere. To ensure continuity, Mark has kindly agreed to oversee and address any technical needs for the foreseeable future.

Widespread economic hardships have undoubtedly played a significant role in our challenging financial situation. Those who have cancelled their monthly donations cited financial constraints as the primary reason. Another important consideration is that changing online algorithms and systemic suppression of free speech have made it hard for people to find our work, with WTK disappearing from search results and not showing up on people's feeds. Our view counts and visibility rates on Youtube are are actively suppressed and manipulated.

Total donations amounted to $35,410, down 3% from last year. Total Revenue amounted to $39,933, up 7% from last year.

Total Expenses amounted to $123,418, down 15% from last year. Salaries were $83,100, down 18% from last year. Contractor Expenses were $30,953, down 10% from last year.

Net Revenue came to -$83,485, which was down 23% from $107,766 in 2023.

Total assets remaining in our accounts at the end of 2024 were $117,334, down 42% from last year.

We had 250 total donors in 2024. A few dozen donors did not appear in this count due to a software glitch. The number is likely close to 300, down from 330 last year.

112 of these donor gave monthly, down 4% from last year. Average monthly donations were 1,511, down 4% from last year.

The WTK email list has 13,120 subscribers, down 5% from last year. The inspiring email list has 2,272 subscribers, down 6% from last year.

There were 212,000 website visits and 457,000 page views, down 24% and 32% respectively from last year.

To see the QuickBooks form listing profit and loss figures for PEERS in fiscal year 2024, click here. For the PEERS balance sheet as of the end of 2024, click here.

The statements at the above links were prepared without official audit, though they have been carefully reviewed by Executive Director Amber Yang and were examined and certified by Treasurer Frederick Burks. PEERS ended the year with liabilities of $2,030 resulting from payroll taxes not due until January 2025. All donations were unrestricted. PEERS had a net loss for 2024 of $83,485. And we have $117,334 remaining in our accounts.

Transforming Our World Together With You

Knowledge is power. PEERS provides knowledge. - Don and Julie Ino, 8/16/24

PEERS is at the forefront of a grand movement to transform our world into a more caring and loving place for all people to live. Thanks so much to all involved with PEERS for your invaluable support in this most noble endeavor. Even with all of the uncertainty and turbulence ahead, we enter this new year of 2025 with full hope at the possibilities of ever greater transformation of our world through our great work and that of our supporters and so many others who are coming together for the betterment of all in our world.

Note: To read other messages of deep appreciation for our work, click here and here. And we'd be thrilled if you are inspired to make a donation to support our work. To do so, please click here.

PEERS 2024 Annual Report
Compiled and Written By
PEERS Founder Fred Burks and Director Amber Yang

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The PEERS empowerment network

"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"