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Whitelisting Email Addresses

To make sure messages from our email lists are not filtered to your spam or junk mail folder, first add to your contact list the email address "emaillist (at)" This tells your email service that this email address is safe.

Note that the (at) in the address above is used in place of @ to avoid trolls. Same with the blank spaces. Please replace (at) with @ and use no spaces when you add this email address.

Note also that if you find an email from us in your spam or junk folder, you can tell your email software that it's not spam by selecting that email and hitting the not spam or not junk button. That will train your program to allow emails from these addresses in the future.

The most effective way to assure our messages make it to your inbox is to add our email address "emaillist (at)" to your email service's safe senders list (AKA whitelist). A safe senders list or whitelist is a list of email addresses from which you want to receive email and which you don't want to be filtered to your spam or junk box. Here are instructions on how to add email addresses to this list for some of the most popular email programs:

Gmail / Google Mail

First, if you find email from us in your Gmail spam folder, select or open the email and click the Not spam button near the top of the page. Then add emaillist (at) to your contact list by clicking on the arrow right next to "Gmail" at the top left of the page and selecting "Contacts." At the bottom right of the next page click on the red button with a person and a "+" in it and add our email address. And to guarantee that you won't lose any of our emails, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the rotor wheel icon at the top right of the page.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Filters and Blocked Addresses from the top row of choices.
  4. Near the bottom of the page, select Create a new filter.
  5. In the "From" box that appears, type emaillist (at)
  6. Leave other boxes blank and click Create filter with this search at bottom right of box.
  7. In the list of options, select Never send it to Spam.
  8. Click Create filter, and you're done.


To whitelist emaillist (at) with Yahoo!, you will need to set up a filter. But first, if you find email from emaillist (at) going to your Yahoo! spam folder, open it and click Not Spam near the top of the page. Now to create the filter:

  1. Open your mail and click on the rotor wheel icon in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Select Settings from the menu that unfolds.
  3. Select Filters from the menu on the left.
  4. On the Filters page, click Add.
  5. Give a name like "PEERS" to your filter.
  6. In the "From" row in the box to the right of "contains," type emaillist (at) which tells the system to put email with emaillist (at) in your inbox and not the bulk folder. Leave the other boxes blank.
  7. Click Save and you're done!

Hotmail / Outlook / MSN

To whitelist our address with Hotmail, Outlook, or MSN you will need to add emaillist (at) to your Safe List. Here’s how:

  1. If you find email from us in your junk folder, open the email and click Not junk at the top.
  2. Select an email we sent you.
  3. Move your cursor over the image or name at the top of the message.
  4. In the pop-up that appears, click the Add link.
  5. In the new pop-up, click Save at the top.
  6. For the whitelist, on the navigation bar at the top, click on the rotor wheel at the right and select Options.
  7. Under Junk email in the left column, choose Safe senders.
  8. In the Enter a sender or domain here box, enter emaillist (at), and click on the + to the right.
  9. Click Save at the top of the page and you're done!


AOL has a Custom Sender List that users can specify. However, to use the Custom Sender List, you must choose to accept mail only from their custom senders, or to reject mail only from their custom senders. So, you need to make sure they are set to receive mail from All Senders:

  1. Click the Settings link at the top of the page.
  2. Choose Spam Controls from the options on the left.
  3. Under Additional Spam Filters click Control From Whom I Get Email.
  4. A pop-up appears - choose the first option (Allow mail from all senders).
  5. Click the green Save button.

Apple Mail for OS X

If email from emaillist (at) ends up in your junk mail folder, highlight or open it and click Not Junk at the top of your screen.


  1. Go to Mail & Preferences from your Mail menu.
  2. Go to the Rules tab.
  3. Select Add Rule.
  4. Give this rule a name such as PEERS.
  5. Create a rule that says "If any of the following conditions are met: ‘From’ ‘Contains’” and then paste in “emaillist (at)”
  6. From the actions, select Move message to mailbox Inbox.
  7. Click OK.

Mozilla Thunderbird

To whitelist in Thunderbird, you will need to add emaillist (at) to your address book, and then set up your Thunderbird Junk Mail Controls to whitelist your address book.

  1. If you find email from emaillist (at) in your Junk folder, right-click on our email and choose Mark as Not Junk.
  2. Next, click the Address Book button.
  3. Highlight the Personal Address Book.
  4. Click on New Contact.
  5. While in the Contact tab of the new card, copy and paste emaillist (at) to the email box there.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Next, to whitelist your address book, close that window and select Tools from the menu at the top of your screen.
  8. Select Run Junk Mail Controls on Folder from the drop down menu.


To Configure the Allowed and Blocked lists in Norton AntiSpam and Norton Internet Security please click here for instructions.

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